Yorkie Temperament

Yorkshire terriers (colloquially known as “Yorkies”) are friendly, energetic dogs with a big personality in a small package. They have been a beloved pet of families with children and a wonderful companion dog to singles and the elderly. They do well in smaller living spaces. Yorkies only grow to be five to seven pounds and stand less than a foot tall. They are sturdy little dogs that walk with a strut, demonstrating their eagerness to explore, love, and be loved.

brown and white yorkshire terrier puppy

Centuries ago, the Yorkie was used to decrease the rat population in the mills and mines of England. But soon the wealthy landowners of the day discovered their gregarious personality was perfectly suited for companionship and protection inside the home as well. Today, many homes are enhanced with a Yorkie. Before you make a decision about a dog, it is important to understand the temperament of the specific breed and know what personality is best for your living situation.

This article explores the various aspects of a Yorkie’s temperament. By the end, you will better understand how the Yorkie got its place as the favorite breed for families and those living in urban settings. Remember that every dog, like people, is an individual and may not line up exactly with the generalizations listed here. Take the time to get to know and love your dog and you will be rewarded with a loyal, friendly pet for years to come. 

shallow focus photography of Yorkshire terrier

What is a Yorkie’s Temperament?

Yorkies are brave, independent, curious, and stubborn.

The terrier breed is tenacious and brave. Yorkies tend to be independent, roaming the house and wanting to be involved in everything, unless it is their nap time! Their curious, outgoing nature is amusing and entertaining. As much as you love your Yorkie, they will love you more and remind you of that love daily.

Yorkies can be stubborn dogs. If you respond to their requests by giving them everything they demand they will quickly learn how to train you and rule the house. Therefore, it is important to consistently be firm when enforcing boundaries and training your dog. Set schedules, rules, and location boundaries provide stability and routine for your Yorkie. Predictable expectations will allow your Yorkie to feel safe and decrease the likelihood that he will act out due to fear or to get attention. 

Can You Shape a Yorkie’s Temperament?

Yes, how they are treated plays a major role in shaping a Yorkie’s temperament. Yorkies are highly adaptable dogs, adjusting quickly to new environments and people. They are also highly intelligent and can be easily trained. Therefore, their personality is tightly connected to how they are treated and allowed to interact with others, especially during the first few months of their life. A Yorkie that experiences regular human touch, play, and regular household noises (such as the dishwasher and washing machine) is more likely to grow up to be a confident, friendly, and obedient dog. Treating your Yorkie with patience, kindness, and firmness is the best way to ensure your dog remains gentle and friendly to everyone he meets, regardless of his age. 

Are Yorkies Friendly Dogs? 

Yes, Yorkies are known for being sweet, friendly, and energetic. They are quick to warm up to strangers and tend to be very affectionate with their family members. This is the dog that will be excited to see you every time, even if you only left for 5 minutes. They love to jump on your lap and snuggle with you, but will just as quickly be ready to run and play as soon as possible! The energy of seven pounds of joy will be sure to bring a smile to your face whenever you are with them. 

Is a Yorkie a Safe Dog to Have Around Children?

Yes, Yorkies are good family dogs because they are gentle and small enough to play with young children. They tend to be patient and friendly with everyone. Any dog should be supervised with very young children or when being introduced to new people. 

It is important, however, to train children how to interact with a Yorkie. Children should be taught to be kind and respectful. Because the Yorkie is so small, he can be easily hurt if not treated appropriately. Children should not rough house around a Yorkie as he could be easily stepped on.

Some Yorkies may have had bad experiences with children and as a result are timid and even aggressive toward them. However, as long as both child and dog treat each other with respect, they will have a wonderful relationship.

How Do Yorkies Respond to Strangers?

Nothing gets past a Yorkie. Every squirrel, mailman, and stray leaf will be noticed and barked at. As soon as your Yorkie has a chance to interact with someone new that the family has accepted, he will consider this person his new best friend. Oh the barks and jumps and tail-wagging that will accompany this new friendship! 

How Do Yorkies Respond to Other Dogs?

Yorkies can be very accepting towards other dogs, however it usually takes some time for them to get used to the idea of another dog in the house. Slow introduction with supervision is the best way to navigate the transition from one to two dogs. 

It is best to keep your Yorkie on a leash when you are walking in an area where they might be exposed to other dogs. Because of their small size and somewhat aggressively friendly personality they can force their presence on another dog who may respond suddenly out to protect themselves or their owner. 

two brown dogs

How Much Exercise Does a Yorkie Need?

Yorkies need a moderate amount of exercise every day. Yorkies thrive when they are allowed regular times of play and exercise. They enjoy walks, tug of war, fetch, and wrestling with another dog or human. Be sure to monitor these times and give your Yorkie regular breaks and plenty of water. In general, a Yorkie will need 2 or 3 periods of exercise a day that includes time to be outside, go to the bathroom, and explore an area bigger than one room. 

When outside, give your Yorkie time to explore and roll around in the grass off leash if safe. Inside, a Yorkie is most comfortable with a defined safe space to be around other people. It is helpful to designate a place for them to rest and recharge after playtime. 

brown and black yorkshire terrier on green grass field during daytime

Yorkshire terriers are the ideal pet for those looking for a small friendly dog. Their sweet, outgoing personality is endearing to all, and their humorous engaging antics are sure to keep you smiling. Add a Yorkie to your home and family and you will be sure to see why they are consistently a favorite breed of household pets.

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