Yorkie Tail – The Great Debate

A Yorkie tail. 

There is a lot more to this topic than meets the eye.

It is the subject of debate, confusion, preferences, and emotion.

The effects of the debate are evident in my own home. I have one Yorkshire Terrier with a long tail and one with a short tail. Both are equally cute. Both are equally loveable.

So what’s the big deal with Yorkies and their tail length?

Let’s get into it.

We’ll first address the traditional breed standards. Then, we’ll explore the pros and cons for leaving the tail uncut or choosing a short, docked tail. Finally, we’ll discuss tail docking in general. It is legal in some places (like the United States), but illegal in other places (like many European countries).

Yorkie Tail Breed Standards According to the AKC in the United States

If you are desiring to compete with your dog in an AKC show ring, you have to comply with American Kennel Club standards. Because of all the controversy surrounding this process, tail docking is not required for all other clubs, in fact in many European countries it is illegal. Tail docking is however still required for AKC. It is the only club to still require tail docking.

Tail Length

According to the AKC standards the Yorkshire Terriers’ tail must be docked. It should be “docked to a medium length.” The tail should be neither too long or too short. A docked tail should be about ⅓ of the normal length of the tail.

Other canine clubs do not require a docked tail. If the tail is not docked, it is preferable for the tail to be as straight as possible. It also shouldn’t be so long that the dog looks awkward. The undocked tail should be of a length that gives the dog a balanced look.


In addition, when you are in the show ring, the judges will look at how the tail is positioned. The breed standard is that the tail is “carried slightly higher than the level of the back.” If it is undocked, it should be carried straight. Of course, when the Yorkie is resting, it will naturally be carried down.


According to AKC standards, the hair on a Yorkie tail should be long and touch the floor. The long hair on the tail complements the the long hair of the show cut, making the dog look regal and stylish. In order to maintain this show cut appearance, it is important to brush the Yorkie’s hair regularly. You should also pay careful attention to ensure that you the tail hair is kept clean.

If your Yorkie doesn’t have a show cut, you can let the tail hair grow long or you can cut the tail hair shorter. Cut to the desired length and use thinning shears if desired.

Be sure to cut the hair short around the Yorkie’s bottom. This will keep your Yorkie’s hair cleaner and easier to manage.   

Pros and Cons of a Long Yorkie Tail


It is natural.

Dogs use their tails to communicate. A long tail allows them to communicate effectively.

Dog does not experience unnecessary stress and pain.

With tail docking comes the chance of infection (though minimal).


Goes against the history of the Yorkshire Terrier.

Longer tail has a greater chance for injury.

Breeding stock has been bred for many years without taking tail into consideration. Breeding stock that would otherwise be quality stock may have defective tails.

Long tails may be harder to keep the clean.

Yorkie Tail

Pros and Cons of a Short Yorkie Tail

The main reason tails are docked are for cosmetic reasons.


Takes into account the rich history of the Yorkshire Terrier.

Shorter tails cannot be injured easily.

Yorkshire Terrier has a more balanced look.

Tail hair is less easily soiled and more easy to keep clean when the tail is shorter.


It is not natural.

Dog cannot communicate as easily without a long tail.

Dog may experience unnecessary stress and pain.

Tail docking may result in infection.

Tail Docking: How the Tail Becomes Shorter

Tail docking…this has become a subject of intense debate. Different parts of the globe have different ways of describing this process. You may also hear people refer to it as tail bobbing. Some keep it really simple and simply refer to it as tail shortening.

Why? The History

No matter what you call it, the end result and purpose of tail docking is to shorten the length of the tail. Why is a Yorkie’s tail docked? Who would have thought of doing that in the first place?

In the past, Yorkshire Terriers were used as ratters. They would go into a rat’s burrow to catch it. The thought was, since they are going into these small burrows, it would be safer for the dog to have a shorter tail. Hence the practice of docking the Yorkie’s tail was born.

Over the years, people have gotten so used to a Yorkshire Terrier’s tail being docked that for some people, it doesn’t look quite right for a Yorkie to have a short tail. They have fallen in love with the stubby little wag.

How is a Yorkie’s Tail Docked?


A Yorkie’s tail can be docked when the puppy is just born. When they are a few days old (they must be 5 days or less), a tight rubber band is placed on the tail. This band cuts off blood flow from the end of the tail. After few days of no blood flow, the end of the tail dies and falls off. The shortened tail will be about ½ inch long in a newborn puppy.


A Yorkshire Terrier’s tail can also be removed surgically. This is how an older dog can have his tail shorten. It is a painful procedure and must be done with anesthetic by a licensed veterinarian.

The tail debate will continue to rage for years to come. However you find your dog – either with a long tail or a short tail – don’t make it a big issue. Love her for how she is!

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