The Yorkie Pomeranian Mix is an adorable, feisty little dogs that can make an excellent pet, especially for those in small living spaces. Yorkies are wonderful companion dogs but they can also be bred with other dogs to create mixes that bring in the characteristics of other breeds. In this article we will specifically look at the “Yorkie Pom”: a Yorkshire Terrier Pomeranian mix. These dogs are also called “Yoranians” or “Porkies” (how cute!). This article will explore the characteristics, personality, and care and maintenance of the Yorkie Pom.

Physical Characteristics of the Yorkie Pom
A Yorkie Pomeranian mix looks like a good mix between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Pomeranian. However, each puppy born has its own chance of getting different characteristics from each parent. Think about a family you know. The kids all look in some way like both of their parents, yet each has unique characteristics.
Size and Weight Range
Both Yorkshire Terriers and Pomeranians are small dogs, so the Yorkie Pom mix is also small. Yorkie Poms typically grow 6-12 inches tall and weigh 3-7 pounds. This is about average for a Pomeranian, though a little taller than a purebred Yorkie.
Coat Types and Colors
The Yorkie Pom usually has a longer, wiry coat. (We will discuss care and grooming later in this article). Yorkies often have a mix of colors in their coat, with tan, black, and blue being predominant. Pomeranians can be white, tan, or black, but their coat is usually a solid color. So, what color will your Yorkie Pom be? Most likely white or a shade of brown. While there’s no set answer, it’s sure to be cute and fluffy!
Facial Features and Body Structure
As already mentioned, Yorkie Poms bring together the adorable features of both a Yorkshire Terrier and Pomeranian. A Yorkie Pomeranian mix usually has a small black nose and piercing dark eyes. He often has medium-sized ears that stand upright and are very alert to any changing circumstances. The Yorkie Pom’s face is small and soft and he has a short fluffy tail that curves over his back.

Personality Traits of the Yorkie Pomeranian Mix
The Yorkie Pom is small but wiry and has a personality to match!
The Yorkie Pom is very loyal and affectionate. He knows his owners, and loves them to a fault. If a Yorkie Pom is carefully introduced to children and other dogs from a young age, then he will grow up being an excellent family dog. (Note: due to their small size, Yorkie Poms should be carefully supervised around small children to ensure that the children do not play too roughly with the dog’s fragile structure).

Perhaps the most striking characteristic of the Yorkie Pom’s personality is playfulness. Both Yorkshire Terriers and Pomeranians are known for being energetic and playful. They love to explore, to be social, and express their love for their owners.
Intelligence and Trainability
Yorkshire Terriers are very intelligent dogs that love to please their trainer. Therefore, a Yorkie Pomeranian mix is often easy to train. They are quick to pick up on commands and easily motivated by treats. Take advantage of this and train your Yorkie Pom from a puppy to obey you and treat people, animals, and possessions with respect.
Boldness and Assertiveness
The Yorkie Pomeranian mix displays his Terrier tendencies with a strong bold assertiveness. Any stranger is sure to be greeted with loud barking, jumping, and perhaps a little skittishness. If not regularly socialized as a puppy, a Yorkie Pomeranian mix can demonstrate “Small Dog Syndrome”: becoming overly aggressive and snappish to make up for their small size.

Care and Maintenance of the Yorkie Pom
The decision to bring a Yorkie Pom into your family is one that must be made carefully. Like any dog, they require financial sacrifice and consistent care and maintenance. You can prepare yourself and your family by properly understanding the cost and care needed to own a Yorkie Pomeranian mix.
Grooming Requirements
Long haired dogs require intentional maintenance to keep them clean and well-groomed. You should give them a bath and brush their hair several times a week. This will help to keep shedding at a minimum and ensure that their skin and coat are healthy. In addition, plan to take your Yorkie Pomeranian mix to a professional groomer several times a year for a trim and a more thorough grooming.
Exercise Needs
A Yorkie Pom is a small, high energy dog. As such they are well-suited for small living spaces, but they also need the time and space to run around and explore physically and mentally. Without this stimulation a Yorkie Pom can become unsocial and demanding. Regular exercise allows your dog to burn off energy, maintain a healthy weight, and alleviate his boredom. Consider a daily walk or run in a safe area and provide toys and social interaction to help your dog develop healthy relationships with humans and other dogs.
Dietary Considerations
A Yorkie Pom needs about a cup of food a day (this varies based on the brand of food he is eating, his size, and his activity level). Providing a high quality, high protein, low fat diet will help keep your dog healthy and happy. Limit treats and avoid feeding him table scraps. (Even if he begs and looks so adorable!) If you have questions about the best food options for your Yorkie Pomeranian mix, consult with your veterinarian.

Common Health Issues and Preventative Measures
For the most part, cross breeds experience fewer genetic health conditions than purebreds. In general, Yorkie Pom’s are healthy dogs that can live 12-15 years. Though rare, the health issues notable for a Yorkie Pom are: hypoglycemia, tracheal collapse, and patellar luxation.
To help ensure your Yorkie Pom lives a long, healthy life, visit the vet regularly for a checkup and consider any preventative treatments that they recommend. Occasional diagnostic tests can help ensure that your dog is growing and aging well.
In summary, the Yorkie Pomeranian mix is an endearing, energetic ball of sturdy, fluffy love. This dog will bring joy to your home and a smile to your face. The Yorkie Pom is a great pet for families and those in small living spaces. Like any dog, they require care, but they will amply repay you with loyalty, affection, and love.
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