Yorkie Anal Glands: Problems and Solutions

Owning a Yorkie is an enjoyable and rewarding experience, but any pet owner will tell you that animals can add some … unpleasant … tasks to your responsibilities. Think, bath time, cleaning up after a potty run, and taking care of your Yorkie’s anal glands.

Wait, what? Anal glands? What are those? Is this going to be gross? Before you start to run for the hills, leaving your innocent Yorkie behind, read this article to completion. We promise, you won’t have to smell or touch anything gross during your reading. And you will be more prepared with the knowledge and confidence you need to care for your beloved Yorkie. 

Yorkie Anal Glands

What are Yorkie Anal Glands? 

Every dog (and cat, but let’s just stick with dogs for now) have two anal glands below their rectum located at approximately 4:00 and 8:00. These glands contain the oil that enables a dog to “mark” his territory. Every time your Yorkie has a bowel movement, he secretes some of the oil. Animals recognize the scent of other animals’ secretions and can even remember animals that they have interacted with before. These glands, and the oil they secrete, are a natural part of being a dog and most often function normally and without any issue. 

white and gray round frame

How Do I Know If My Yorkie is Having an Issue with His Anal Glands? 

Yorkies are smart! Even without verbal English, they can make it very clear if they are having issues with their glands. The classic sign is “scooting”: scraping their rear end along the ground. They do this because that area becomes very itchy if the glands are not emptying properly and have become engorged. They are attempting to relieve the extra pressure and stretched skin that results from an abundance of oil. 

If the issue continues, you will also notice a smell. Engorged glands that have broken open will leave an overwhelming foul odor as the oil leaks out. A small leak may not have any visible oil, but if your Yorkie has managed to pop his anal gland open with a larger tear, the oil will leak out and can be yellow or darker and even black. This open area is now at high risk for infection, not to mention pain and continued inflammation. 

What Causes Engorged Anal Glands? 

Bowel issues are the most common cause of engorged anal glands. Any change of from a regular bowel movement schedule (both diarrhea and constipation) affect the Yorkie’s ability to regularly secrete oil from his anal glands. 

Bowel regularity is most commonly controlled by diet. Make sure that your Yorkie is getting enough fiber in his diet and do not feed him table scraps which can be hard to regulate and cause intestinal issues. 

Adding pumpkin (about a teaspoon to his food once or twice a day) to your Yorkies diet is an excellent way to increase his fiber. Now, make sure this is real pumpkin, not a pie filling with added sugar. Fiber provides bulk and absorbs water, helping with both constipation and diarrhea. What a deal! If you have added pumpkin to his food and you are not seeing any relief after a few days, take your Yorkie to the vet for further evaluation. 

orange pumpkins on gray field near green grassland at daytime selective focus photography

Allergies (inflammation) and trauma to the surrounding tissue can also affect your Yorkie’s secretions. Talk with your vet about allergy medication and ways to help your Yorkie heal. 

How Should I Treat My Yorkie with Engorged Anal Glands? 

That’s probably not a sentence you ever hope to read, but if you are here because you need the answer, take a deep breath. If this is the first time your dog has had problems with his anal glands, the best thing to do is take your Yorkie to the vet and let them help him. They are able to reduce the pressure on the anal glands, treat any infection or irritation that has ensued, and determine what caused the problem in the first place. 

If this is an ongoing problem, you can learn how to express his engorged anal glands yourself.

When Do Yorkies Need Their Anal Glands Expressed?  

Don’t forget that most of the time a dog will express his anal glands on his own naturally every time he poops. He may also naturally express his anal glands when he is stressed.

If your Yorkie is not displaying any signs of problems with their anal glands, it is not recommended to manually express them regularly. Their glands are working well and being expressed naturally as they have regular bowel movements and you shouldn’t interfere with something that is working well.

Groomers often offer this as part of regular grooming care, but it is not recommended that you have them expressed if there is no problem. There is no need to fix a problem that is not present. Don’t allow the groomer to do this without first talking to your vet. 

However, if your Yorkie has had chronic problems with their anal glands, then it may be time to consider a regular schedule of manual expression. This can be done every couple of weeks by a groomer or veterinarian or you can learn how to do this yourself. These professionals can also teach you how to do this at home if you and your Yorkie agree that that is a good idea. Do not attempt to express your Yorkies anal glands manually without proper training. 

In severe cases, surgery may be needed to remove the anal glands and allow your Yorkies rear end to heal. This surgery can be performed by a veterinary surgeon but is usually only reserved as a last resort. 

brown and white yorkshire terrier puppy on black round plastic basin

Are Yorkies Still Worth the Care that They Require?

Absolutely! Remember, many Yorkies go their whole lives without any anal gland issues. Owning a pet is a responsibility, but one that is well worth the cost. 

Your Yorkie, with their adorable size and lovable personality, will love and appreciate you throughout his life. Caring for them physically is a small price to pay as you enjoy the loyalty and playfulness that they add to your life. 

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