What Size and Color Variations Exist Among the Yorkie Breed?

A Yorkie is one of the most easily recognized dog breeds. Their small size, face shape and traditional coloring make them a household name among dog lovers and a familiar breed to those without pets. 

Within the Yorkie breed there are several size and color variations. These dogs are still purebred Yorkies, but different recessive genes can produce Parti Yorkies, Large Yorkies, and Teacup Yorkies. In this article we will discuss each of these variations in turn and suggest reasons why you might consider a more unique Yorkie rather than the ones of standard size or color. If you want to deep dive into unique Yorkie coloring, check out our article on Rare Yorkie Colors.

What are the Standard Physical Characteristics of a Yorkie? 

Traditional Yorkies grow to be about 7 pounds and around 8 inches tall. Their face has a small black nose and pointed ears. They also have black pads on their paws. Yorkies always have brown eyes, usually dark, giving them an intelligent and enchanting gaze. Changes in the shape or color of these aspects of a Yorkie usually indicates a health concern. 

black and brown yorkshire terrier puppy on brown and black dog bed

Their coat changes as they grow. A Yorkie puppy’s coat is black and brown but as Yorkies mature the black often fades to a blue or silver. The brown or tan portion is usually on their chest, head and legs while the darker color (black, blue, etc.) covers their back and tail. Yorkie puppies have a soft fluffy coat and adult Yorkies have a silky coat (although some adult Yorkies have a wooly coat). 

What is a Parti Yorkie? 

Parti Yorkies have non-traditional color markings. These dogs are purebred, but a recessive gene in both parents can produce Yorkies with variations of color. Sometimes these coats have an organized pattern and other times they are a combination of several colors. 

In general, Parti Yorkies can have white, black, tan, and silver coloring. A Golden Parti has blonde or gold fur. A Chocolate Parti (which is very rare) is brown or tan. 

a small brown dog sitting on top of a rug

Parti Yorkies are recognized by the AKC as a variation of the traditional Yorkshire Terrier breed. Some breeders will randomly end up with a Parti Yorkie and, depending on the interest level, choose to sell that dog for more or less than the rest of the litter. Due to the need for a double recessive gene, it is difficult to breed specifically for a Parti Yorkie. 

Parti Yorkies display the same friendly, energetic personality as a traditional Yorkie. They need the same care and are at risk for the same health concerns. Really there’s no reason to not consider a Parti Yorkie for your family. They are beautiful, unique, and lovable pets. 

a dog sitting on a couch

What is Distinct about a Large Yorkie? 

Remember that a standard Yorkie is between 4 and 7 pounds. Some Yorkies larger than 7 pounds are simply obese due to overeating, a slow metabolism, or other health concerns. If your Yorkie has become overweight consult with a veterinarian to determine how you can best help your dog return to and stay at a healthy weight. 

Some Yorkies, heavier than 7 pounds, are not overweight. A larger dog who is healthy and lean may just be a “Giant Yorkie.” Giant Yorkies have been known to be as big as 15 pounds and around 9 inches tall. Large Yorkies often do not have the same health problems that standard size Yorkies face. They are also more sturdy than their smaller cousins. So if you are interested in a dog that is friendly and playful but not quite as fragile as the standard Yorkie, consider a Giant Yorkie! 

Larger Yorkies are a good option for families with younger children or other dogs. They can hold their own better than a small dog, but are still friendly and playful. 

boy wearing orange bubble jacket walking on dry fallen leaves on ground

What is a Teacup Yorkie?

A Teacup Yorkie is smaller than a standard Yorkie. Usually they are about 5 pounds full-grown, but they can be even smaller! They are very cute and easily fit in a small carrier such as a dog backpack or purse. They tend to be a bit less expensive to own because they require less food and smaller accessories (bed, leash, etc.). In addition, they require very little space. 

Some breeders claim to intentionally breed for Teacup Yorkies. This is a controversial topic. Dog breeding and ownership should always be done with the animals best interest in mind. A breeder looking for a specific “look” may put the health and well-being of the dog at risk in the process. 

Their small size makes them prone to all the health problems of a standard Yorkie and more. Conditions to be aware of include: 

  • Eye problems: keep their coat above their eyes short or pulled back and well-groomed
  • Brittle bones and weak joints such as a luxating patella (dislocated kneecap) Yorkies, especially Teacup Yorkies should not be allowed to jump on or off furniture and care must be given if they are walking up stairs. A jump with a bad landing can seriously damage a Yorkie or Teacup Yorkies’ joints. 
  • Digestive issues: their organs are small and can become clogged easily. Talk to your vet about appropriate food and a safe amount to feed your Teacup Yorkie
person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing

Teacup Yorkies are feisty and playful. Due to their extra small size, they can be hurt easily if another dog or a small child is playing too rough with them. Watch your Teacup Yorkie closely when interacting with others. 

What Kind of Yorkie is Right for Me? 

After learning about standard, Parti, Large, and Teacup Yorkies, which one is the right choice for you and your family? There is no one right answer. Consider your living situation, the people and animals that will come in contact with the dog, and your personal preferences. No matter the variation, you are making a commitment to care for your new pet and provide for him. This is a big decision but one that is well worth the investment. Whichever Yorkie you chose will be a fun and loving addition to your home. And there is plenty of help! Talk to your veterinarian and local pet experts for more support as you share your life with a Yorkie. 

a small dog is sitting on the floor

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