5 Signs of Whelping in Yorkie You Don’t Want to Miss!

Learn the signs of whelping in Yorkie that indicate the arrival of puppies is soon. Check out our handy infographic below for quick reference to the signs to look out for. Then you can educate yourself with the info in this article so you will be ready.

At the end, we include some signs that might indicate that there is a problem.

Signs Of Whelping Yorkie

Your Yorkie has almost made it through her 9 weeks of pregnancy. Now as the time nears for whelping, you want to make sure that you are near to help if needed. So what are the signs of whelping in a Yorkie?

The Date

The best indicator that whelping is impending is her estimated whelping date. If you haven’t determined your Yorkie’s estimated whelping date. Find the best way to determine that date by using our Yorkie Gestation Calendar

About a week before your Yorkie’s estimated whelping date, you know that whelping is coming soon and you should start monitoring her closely, looking for these other signs that she is about to whelp.

A Week or So Before: Signs of Whelping in Yorkie

Thankfully, one of the best indicators that your Yorkie is about to go into labor is easy to check and doesn’t require reading her body language. It’s her temperature.


Normally, a Yorkshire Terrier’s body temperature is between 101-102.5 Fahrenheit (38.3-39.2 Celsius). About a week or so before your mama’s estimated whelping date, you should start taking her temperature one to two times a day (some people even do three times a day as the date gets closer).

You’re looking for your Yorkie’s temperature to drop below 100 Fahrenheit (37.8 Celsius).

After her temperature has dropped you can expect her to have her puppies within 8-24 hours. So be on call and available.

Other First Signs of Whelping

Every Yorkie is different and different dogs will react to labor differently. Nonetheless, here are some signs of whelping in Yorkie to watch for.

Appetite Change and Stomach Problems

  • Lack of interest in food
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

As your Yorkie approaches labor, you may find that she is no longer interested in her food. That’s fine. Don’t push her to eat.

She also may experience vomiting and diarrhea as her body prepares for the process for delivery.

Behavioral Change

  • Nesting

Nesting behavior includes hiding, going in closets or other den-like places, digging (or attempting to dig!), and carrying blankets and other soft objects around (and sometimes even trying to shred these items!). Grooming is also a nesting behavior.

Physical Change

  • Increased urination
  • Clear vaginal discharge
  • Panting

Your mama has endured so many bodily changes throughout the course of her pregnancy and now she is almost done. As labor and delivery approach, you might find that she has an increased need to pee. 

You may notice a discharge coming from her vagina. It should be clear or just slightly cloudy. If labor has begun, you might see a reddish brown mucus discharge.

She will probably start panting as she heads into early labor.

Emotional Change

  • Restlessness
  • Neediness
  • Crying and whimpering

As labor begins, your mama will sense that something is going on in her body. Especially if it is her first time, she may not quite understand what is going on and she can act in fear.

She may become restless in her behavior, pacing, and unable to get comfortable or become settled.

She may have an increased neediness. She may look to you as her rock and support during this difficult time. Be there to provide comfort, support, and presence.

As the contractions begin, she may cry and whimper. The contractions are getting her body ready for the puppies to be born.

Signs of Whelping in Yorkie: Problems

Dogs have been giving birth without the aid of humans for hundreds of years.

Most of the time your mama’s instincts and body will kick in and take care of the whole whelping – labor and delivery – like a champ. They won’t need any help.

However, it is good to be there to encourage and assist.

Although most of the time whelping goes smoothly, there are times when your mama is going to need intervention. There are several warning signs you can be on the look out for.

Warning Signs

These are the warning signs for a Yorkie who has not given birth to any puppies yet.

24 Hours After Temperature Drop

A dog should give birth to her puppies 24 hours after her temperature has dropped below 100 Fahrenheit (37.8 Celsius). If she has not had her litter yet, it is time to get her some help.

Over 70 Days Pregnant

If your dog is a week past her whelping date (70 days), then it is time to go to the vet to have her evaluated. Your vet can decided on the best course of action.

Bad Smelling Discharge

A clear, perhaps slightly cloudy discharge is normal, but if the discharge smells bad, there is something wrong.

Mama Dog In Extreme Pain

While labor and delivery is not pleasant, your dog should be able to cope with the pain and discomfort. If she seems to be in an unusual amount of pain, there could be something amiss.

Mama Dog Lethargic

Your Yorkie mom-to-be should not be sleepy or unresponsive during labor. If she appears lethargic, something is not right.

Thankfully, whelping usually happens without any hiccups or problems.

Knowing what the signs of whelping in a Yorkie will help alert you when whelping is about to occur. As you monitor your dog’s health and behavior you can keep on the look out for any potential problems that might arise.

When you figure out if your Yorkie is going to go into labor soon, you can be there to experience the miracle of birth.

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