Is Pet Insurance Worth it for a Yorkie?

You have a Yorkie and you want to provide your little darling with the best care possible without breaking your bank account. So naturally, you wonder whether to invest in pet insurance.

It is definitely true that as soon as your dog walks into your arms, you assume full responsibility to care for your pets physical needs, including medical care as needed and appropriate. This has the potential to be expensive, but there are options to help keep medical costs down. Many insurance companies offer pet insurance which works similarly to health insurance you would purchase on your own or through your employer.

This article will discuss the pros and cons of pet insurance and help you decide if it is right for you.

What is Pet Insurance?

Pet insurance is a type of health insurance that covers some of the health costs of your pet. As with other health insurance, the policyholder pays a recurring premium as well as a deductible depending on the details of the insurance policy.

a magnifying glass sitting on top of a piece of paper

There are no network providers participating in pet insurance so you are not limited in choosing the best care for your Yorkie.

Most pet insurance companies work through you, rather than paying the veterinarian directly. This means you will pay the bill up front and then submit a claim to the insurance company for reimbursement.

Pet insurance has several categories:

  • accident-only
  • accident and illness
  • routine wellness

Accident-only insurance covers the cost of diagnosis and treatment of injuries that occur due to accidents such as a broken leg while running.

Accident and illness insurance covers the costs of diagnosis and treatment for both injuries and illnesses such as infections and hereditary conditions.

Routine wellness insurance covers preventative treatments such as vaccines, prophylactic medications (e.g. worm medicine), and routine checkup visits, but it does not cover for injuries or accidents. Typically routine wellness insurance is added on to other policies, providing a fuller level of coverage.

What Medical Conditions Are Yorkies Prone To Experiencing?

Yorkies can live for 15 years and their medical needs are varied throughout their life. Due to their small size, they are prone to several medical conditions that bigger dogs may not face. Common medical conditions Yorkies experience include:

  • Patellar luxation (knee dislocation)
  • Entropion (eyelid abnormality leading to pain and visual impairment)
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease (reduced blood flow to the hip joint that causes pain, deformity, and difficulty walking)
  • Portosystemic shunts (blood flow diverted around the liver)

Each of these conditions can cause painful and even life-threatening situations if not treated properly.

brown and black yorkshire terrier puppy

How Much Does Pet Insurance for a Yorkie Cost?

For smaller dogs, such as a Yorkie, the monthly premiums tend to be lower than those for bigger dogs. Costs are also affected by the age of the dog, pre-existing conditions or risk of hereditary conditions. Other factors include location and type of insurance coverage you choose.

On average, dog owners pay $30-50 on monthly premiums for a Yorkie puppy and $35-60 on monthly premiums for a full-grown Yorkie.1

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Compare this to the cost of medical care for your Yorkie. The average cost of treatment for the conditions listed above is between $1,000 and $3,000.2 Routine wellness care (vaccines, preventative visits and medications) can cost over $200 per year, every year that you own your Yorkie.3

What are the Pros and Cons of Pet Insurance for a Yorkie?

Pet insurance has several advantages.

  • It is relatively affordable.
  • It reduces the cost of unexpected vet bills.
  • Pet insurance is flexible: there are no out-of-network providers.
  • There are several types of insurance so you can choose the one that is best for you.
  • It provides peace of mind knowing that if something happens to your Yorkie you will have the financial support to provide the medical care your pet needs.

It is also important to consider the disadvantages.

  • You will have to pay upfront and then submit your paperwork to be reimbursed.
  • Most insurance policies will not cover treatment for dogs with pre-existing conditions.
  • Pet insurance may be limited on what conditions they cover. It is important to fully understand what is covered before you choose a plan.
  • If your Yorkie is older or has health concerns already you may end up paying more for less coverage.

What Other Options are there to Help Cover Medical Costs of a Yorkie?

Some pet owners choose to forgo pet insurance and plan to cover medical costs in other ways. These include creating an emergency fund for unexpected pet injuries or illnesses and shopping for discount services or wellness plans that a local veterinarian may offer. These methods can be quite sufficient for the pet owner, especially if you provide a safe, healthy place for your Yorkie to live and play.

a small brown dog laying in a dog bed

Should I Consider Pet Insurance for my Yorkie?

Ultimately, that question can only be answered by you. There is no right answer and each pet owner should make the decision that is best for their situation.
Consider the following factors:

  • Your financial stability
  • Your personal preference for risk or peace of mind (i.e. are you willing to pay for peace of mind?)
  • Age of your Yorkie
  • Hereditary conditions your Yorkie may have
  • Amount of exposure to other dogs and people
  • Level of physical activity your dog has
  • Cost of veterinary care in your area

Whether you choose pet insurance or not, the most important part is that you have a Yorkie who loves you and you are a pet owner that cares for your Yorkie. Daily interaction, a safe home, and physical care are important for your Yorkie’s well-being. In return, this small bundle of love and fur will provide the companionship and enjoyment that Yorkies are known for. Take your time considering how you can best care for your Yorkie, knowing that he is already loved simply by being with you in your home. And to your Yorkie, there’s nothing more important than you.

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