How to Tell a Yorkie is Pregnant: Easy Signs to Watch

Learning how to tell a Yorkie is pregnant may be challenging in the first week, but as time goes on it becomes increasingly easier.

How to tell a Yorkie is pregnant

The Right Conditions for Pregnancy

A Yorkshire Terrier can only become pregnant during her heat cycle. She is not fertile any other time of the year.

She will go into heat 2 times a year – about every 6 months.

The easiest way you can tell that a Yorkie is in heat is that she has a bloody discharge from her vagina. 

Side Note: To complicate matters just a little, it is possible for a dog to go into a “Silent Heat.” Silent heat is when a dog does go into heat, but doesn’t have any discharge or normal visible signs of heat. It is possible for her to become pregnant during a silent heat.

If your Yorkie was bred during her heat cycle it is very possible that she is pregnant…but how can you tell for sure?

How to Tell a Yorkie is Pregnant: Behavioral and Physical Changes

Behavioral Changes in a Pregnant Yorkie

Knowing the personality and character of your dog will pay off when it comes to trying to figure out if your Yorkshire Terrier is pregnant. You will be better able to detect changes to her behavior. Behavioral changes are one way how to tell a Yorkie is pregnant.


Even in early pregnancy, your Yorkie may become more tired than normal. She may want to sleep more. She also may more easily fall into a deep sleep when she is resting. She may not be as playful as usual, desiring rather to rest and watch the family rather than participate.


Early on your Yorkie might have a slight personality change. She might become more grumpy than normal. She may fluctuate between congenial and grumpy. The tiredness combined with the constant changes in her body contribute to her moodiness.


This is a really sweet early sign of Yorkie pregnancy. Your dog may want to be close to you and by your side more than she usually would. She might seek you out more often for love and pets and appear more appreciative of all the love.


A pregnant Yorkie will tend to groom herself more. She is more conscious of taking care of herself and she wants to do a good and thorough job of it!

Eating Habit Change

When it comes to eating, different Yorkies react differently to food during pregnancy. Some Yorkies just don’t feel like eating in those early days of pregnancy. This can be due to her stomach feeling upset and she may throw up. So a decreased appetite can be an early sign of pregnancy.

However, other Yorkies may be more hungry than ever, devouring their food more than normal. So an increase in appetite can also be a sign.

The bottom line? Look for a change in your Yorkie’s eating habits.


Some Yorkies struggle with morning sickness during pregnancy. If your Yorkie is throwing up, it is not necessarily a cause for concern, but can be a sign that she is truly pregnant.

Although this creates more work for you to clean up after her, love and support her through her discomfort.

Keep an eye on her and make sure there is no further cause for concern.

Physical Changes in a Pregnant Yorkshire Terrier

Physical changes are another way how to tell a Yorkie is pregnant.

Enlarged belly

Obviously during pregnancy you’re going to expect your Yorkie’s belly to enlarge. It will only do so slightly at the beginning. Her belly may start to feel firmer in the first few weeks. You should be able to notice an increase in belly size by day 28 (week 4) of a Yorkie’s pregnancy.

However, for determining if a Yorkie is pregnant in the early weeks, going by the belly is a very difficult indicator.

Larger and Darker Nipples

At the beginning of pregnancy there may only be a slight change in the Yorkie’s mammary glands and nipples, but as the pregnancy progresses, her mammary glands will grow larger and her nipples will become darker.

Again, in the early weeks, this is a very difficult to use as an indicator of pregnancy.

Tests at the Vet

Still wondering how to tell a Yorkie is pregnant? If you want to have your Yorkie’s pregnancy definitively confirmed, there are some tests the vet can do.


The earliest test that can be run is an ultrasound. An ultrasound can be done as as early as 21 days (week 4). It is often best to wait until 30 days as an ultrasound done on the 21st day can often miss a pregnancy.

The ultrasound can be used not only to confirm your suspicion that your Yorkie is pregnant (it can detect the heartbeats and movement of the puppies), but can also be used to check for any problems.

Canine Pregnancy Blood Test

Want to know how to tell a Yorkie is pregnant? This is the definitive way. A blood test. It can be performed around day 30. The sole purpose of this blood test is to confirm pregnancy. It measures levels of the hormone relaxin. Relaxin increases during pregnancy.


Finally, you can also order an x-ray for your mama as early as day 45, but a lot of breeders wait until week 8. By this time there will most likely be many other clues that your Yorkie is pregnant (she will only have 1 week to go at that point), but this x-ray can be used to learn the number of pups your Yorkie is carrying. This information is super helpful during whelping, because it will help you to know when all her pups have been delivered or if you are waiting for another to come out.

What to Do if Your Yorkie’s Pregnant

After you determine your Yorkie is truly pregnant, it is time to focus your attention on taking care of this mom-to-be.

Your Yorkie will give birth in about 63 days (or less, depending on how far along she is already!) Learn more about what is going on with mama and her little puppies by studying Yorkie Gestation.

Meanwhile, while you wait for the puppies to come you need to make sure you take good care of mama. Learn all about Yorkie Pregnancy Care: feeding, exercise, and other tips.

Spend the 9 weeks that you have before her whelping date, getting the supplies that you need for her whelping and for caring for the puppies.

Caring for your Yorkie as she is pregnant, helping her through the whelping process, and coming alongside her as she raises her litter can be an exciting, bonding time for the two of you. Determining early on if your Yorkie is pregnant is a very wise decision so that you can begin giving her the proper care as early as you can.

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