Transitional Period

Transition to Independence
The transitional period begins around the beginning of the 2nd week after birth and continues until about week 4.
What is the puppy transitioning from? From a dependent infant to an independent puppy. Previously, the puppies were completely dependent on mom. They could not see or hear and their movement was limited. By the end of this period, they can see, hear, vocalize and explore – although in a limited way.
So the transitional period begins when the puppy’s eyes and ears first open around week 2 and ends when puppies first startle at a sound.
When Do Yorkie Puppies Start Barking?
Before their ears were open, Yorkie puppies would only make cries of distress to let mama know they were cold, lonely, or hungry. After their ears open, the puppies will start making different noises and vocalizations when they are around 2-3 weeks old.
When Do Yorkie Puppies Start Walking?
Yorkshire Terrier puppies will usually start to practice standing during week 2. By week 3, they are learning to walk and explore.
Mama’s little babies are becoming independent little creatures.

How Much Does a 3 – 4 Week Yorkie Puppy Weigh?
By 3 weeks of age, a Yorkie puppy may have reached the 16 oz – the 1 pound mark (.45 kg). A puppy who will weigh about 5 1/2 pounds or more full grown will most likely have hit the 1 pound mark by week 3.
By Week 4, Yorkie’s that will be about 5 lbs full grown will also reach that 1 pound (.45 kg) milestone. Smaller Yorkie’s won’t get that heavy until a later time.
You can use our Yorkie Growth Chart to help determine a puppy’s final weight as an adult or to see the ranges of weights of a Yorkie at different stages of development.
Care for a 3-4 Week Yorkie
Just like in all stages of a Yorkie’s development, it is important that the puppies are interacted with regularly and always placed in a safe environment.
Warm, Safe, Clean Environment
Because the Yorkie puppies are starting to become more mobile and want to explore a bit more, their pen area can be expanded slightly to allow them room to move around.
Puppies naturally want to keep their bedding area clean. Immediately beside their bed area, Place a litter area that is distinct in texture and smell.
The temperature of the puppy pen area should be carefully maintained.
The pen should be kept free of items the puppies could choke on. Care should also be given that there are no areas where a puppy’s leg or foot could become stuck or trapped.
The pen should be cleaned daily.

Introduce New Experiences
The care for the puppy should be preparing him for his life as an adult. Yorkies are generally sold as companion dogs. As companion dogs they will have some expectations placed on them.
They will expected to be handled and petted frequently. They will have to be used to visitors in the home. Future owners will most likely expect them to stay crated while they are away from the house.
Pet and handle the puppies frequently. With proper precautions, like hand-washing etc. introduce the puppies to new people who will treat the puppy’s gently and with respect.
It is a good idea to introduce the puppies to a crate at this time. Crates should be introduced carefully. Crate time should always be a positive experience. Leave the crate door open at first so the puppy does not feel abandoned.
Expose the puppies to a variety of different sounds. Give the puppies new items with different textures. These experiences will help them adapt to new situations.
When Can Yorkie Puppies Start Eating Puppy Food?
Yorkies can start the process of weaning around 4 weeks old. Start with soft puppy mush (Puppy food can be softened by moistening with water. Puppy milk replacer powder can also be added). The soft food will get them accustomed to eating. Slowly transition to harder food (add less water to the food).
Until the weaning process is complete, puppies should still be nursing from mama. The process of weaning should be slow and take place over several weeks. This allows time for both the puppies’ bellies and mama’s body to adjust to the change in demand for milk.
It is very important that puppies are weaned before going to their new homes. With the stress of adjusting to a new place with new people and no siblings or mom, they don’t need the additional stress of getting used to solid food.
Regular Puppy Health Checks
Spend time with the litter and each puppy so that you can quickly tell if something is not right.
Continue to check to make sure that there is no dried feces on the puppies’ behinds. Clean as needed.
With the beginning of weaning during this time, puppies should be regularly weighed to ensure that each is thriving and gaining weight.
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